Turisme rural ecologic

Turisme Rural Ecológic / Organic Tourism

Gaudir de la naturalesa i podeu fer excursions a peu o en bicicleta per les Muntanyes de Prades, o visitar els llocs d'interés de la zona (Montblanc, L'Espluga, Poblet, etca), o simplament descansar i gaudir de una estada en una Casa de Pagès ecològica en un entorn privilegiat al peu de les Muntanyes de Prades al costat del Riu Francolí a 10 minuts de Montblanc i L'Espluga de Francolí.   Es un lloc ideal per amants de la naturalesa que els encanta sentir els cant dels ocells (i galls) al despertar i veure les papillones visitant les plantes d'espigol i que no necesiten llençols de color blanc llexiu, ni ambientadors artificials, ni dutxes de molt caudal (sobre tot en epoques de molta sequera) - persones que intentent fer la seva part per proteger el medi ambient.  Oferim 5 habitacions de matrimoni tots amb bany privat i vistes a les Muntanyes de Prades, attenció al client els 24 hores, neteja diaria, i apats sans i casolans del nostre hort ecològic.

Masetview towards riverp.JPG


Marcy i Xavi
Telefon:  658.654.179
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Colaborem amb el projecte de tourisme sostenible i  de qualitat:

Respira Montblanc

------------------ English -----------

Rural farmhouse B&B on a certified small organic farm facing south with beautiful views of the Prades Mountains, bordering on the Francolí River (creek). We offer 5 bedrooms with private bath, 24-hour personal attention, daily cleaning, peaceful rural landscapes and delicious, healthful cuisine. Only 200 meters from the N-240 highway between Montblanc and L’Espluga de Francolí, so tourist visits are easy.  10 minutes from Poblet Monastery.  Barcelona is 1.5 hours away by train.  Tarragona and the beach are 30 minutes away.  We speak English, Italian, some German, Spanish and Catalan.  It is the ideal B&B for true nature lovers who appreciate waking up to the songs of birds (and roosters) and watching butterfllies flit around the lavander plants, people who don´t need bleach-white sheets, or artificial air freshners or water-guzzling showers (especially during drought periods) - people who try to do their part to protect our environment..

We are only 10 minutes from several interesting places to visit. Poblet Monastery is a jewel of the Cistercian Route consisting of 3 medieval monasteries, all of which can be reached by car within an hour. The rural town L’Espluga de Francolí is nearby; you can visit its “Font Major” Cave, one of the 7 longest conglomerate caves in the world, which has been converted into a very interesting museum; the Wine “Cathedral”, the art-deco cooperative wine cellar built by Lluís Domenech I Muntaner in the early 1900s; and the Rural Life Museum, located in the 17th century home of Lluís Carulla, a local philanthropist that has 4 sections – farming, home life, traditions and the local environment.
Montblanc was a ducal village, designated to protect the local population from bandits. Originally it was a walled city - these walls are being restored. It is the only walled city remaining in Catalonia, but you need to take the town tour with English-speaking guides to learn why. The historical center of the town itself is a living museum; all the buildings are medieval, the majority have been restored. The local map lists 24 sites to visit, including 3 museums. The Medieval Week, around April 23, St. Jordi´s Day, turns the town into a medieval marketplace for 10 days and includes many related activities.

We parcipitate In the  RESPIRA MONTBLANC Program for sustainable,  quality tourisme.


Respira Montblanc


 xxxxRespira Montblanc